Moot Court
A moot court competition simulates a court hearing (usually an appeal against a final decision), in which participants analyze a problem, research the relevant law, prepare written submissions, and present oral argument. Mooting is not the same as public speaking or debating, although it shares some common elements with these activities. It is a specialized application of the art of persuasive advocacy. It has been part of the process of training lawyers for centuries and plays an important role in legal education at Chanakya Law College. Students take active part in simulated court or arbitration proceedings, usually involving drafting memorials or memoranda and participating in oral argument. The purpose behind this activity is to develop the argumentative skills of students.
There are many reasons to moot. Mooting enables students
- To engage with and think deeply about interesting and topical legal issues
- To enhance their advocacy, legal research and writing skills
- To work closely with and learn from their peers
- To demonstrate their interest in advocacy and competence as an advocate to prospective employers. Most students find mooting to be intellectually rewarding and highly enjoyable.
The Practical Paper: Moot Court, Pre- Trial Preparations and Trial Proceedings provides second and third year students a valuable opportunity to hone both their written and oral advocacy skills in this competitive field. Moot problems are typically set in areas of law that are unsettled or that have been subject to recent developments. They usually involve two grounds of appeal, argued by each side. The procedure imitates that followed in real courts: the judge enters, the mooters and the judge bow to each other, the clerk announces the matter, the mooters give their appearances and are then called on in turn to present their submissions, the judge asks questions of the mooters, the court adjourns, and the judge then returns to deliver a brief judgment and some feedback.
It is the policy of the college to encourage its students to participate in as many national and international moot Court competitions as possible. The well equipped library, computer lab with internet and well furnished Moot Court Hall provides an atmosphere conducive to young creative brains to shun out the legal debates at various moots. The process of carefully researching, writing and refining briefs for competition provides great exposure to the, prospective young lawyers.
A Moot court does not involve actual testimony by witnesses, cross-examination, or the presentation of evidence, but is focused solely on the application of the law to a common set of evidential assumptions to which the competitors must be introduced.